- bypass fluid
- просачивающийся флюид
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
bypass — [bī′pas΄] n. 1. a way, path, etc. between two points that avoids or is auxiliary to the main way; specif., an alternative highway route, as for skirting an urban area 2. a pipe or channel providing an auxiliary passage for gas or liquid, as that… … English World dictionary
Bypass — An operation in which a surgeon creates a new tubular pathway for the movement of fluids and/or other substances in the body. * * * 1. A shunt or auxiliary flow. 2. To create new flow from one structure to another through a diversionary channel.… … Medical dictionary
bypass — I. noun Date: 1848 1. a passage to one side; especially a deflected route usually around a town 2. a. a channel carrying a fluid around a part and back to the main stream b. (1) shunt 1b (2) shunt 1c; also a surgical procedure for the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bypass — bypasser, by passer, n. /buy pas , pahs /, n., v., bypassed or (Rare) bypast; bypassed or bypast; bypassing. n. 1. a road enabling motorists to avoid a city or other heavy traffic points or to drive around an obstruction. 2. a secondary pipe or… … Universalium
bypass — n. a surgical procedure to divert the flow of blood or other fluid from one anatomical structure to another; a shunt. A bypass can be temporary or permanent and is commonly performed in the treatment of cardiac and gastrointestinal disorders. See … The new mediacal dictionary
bypass — by′pass or by′ pass n. v. 1) civ trs a road enabling motorists to avoid a city or other heavy traffic points or to drive around an obstruction 2) srg a surgical procedure in which a diseased or obstructed hollow organ is temporarily or… … From formal English to slang
bypass valve — A valve that maintains constant system pressure. When the system pressure is exceeded by a predetermined amount, the valve opens and relieves the pressure, bypassing the fluid back to the system and thereby protecting the system against ruptures … Aviation dictionary
bypass — /ˈbaɪpas / (say buypahs) noun 1. a road enabling motorists to avoid towns and other heavy traffic points or any obstruction to easy travel on a main road. 2. a secondary pipe or other channel connected with a main passage as for conducting a… …
bypass valve — (BPV) A valve that can open and allow fluid or gas to pass through in other than its normal channel. Also see oil cooler bypass valve oil filter oil filter bypass valve … Dictionary of automotive terms
Bypass — An alternative path. In a heating duct or pipe, an alternative path for the flow of the heat transfer fluid from one point to another, as determined by the opening or closing of control valves both in the primary line and the bypass line … Energy terms
bypass valve — noun : a valve placed to control the flow of fluid through a bypass … Useful english dictionary